Our Dogs


We have just under 30 retired Police Dogs in Queensland that we are looking after.

From the Gold Coast all the way up to Far North Queensland.

The dog Squad in Qld commenced in 1972 and now comprise of 88 dogs including 70 GP dogs and 18 Drug detection dogs. 

A general purpose Police Dog is trained to perform multiple functions including:

  • tracking (following a person's scent) if they are moving on foot.
  • searching buildings, enclosed areas and bushland. 
  • searching an area of ground for recently discarded property or evidence.
  • apprehending violent offenders.
  • performing perimeter security on raids where there is a likelihood suspects may decamp from the premises.
  • assisting with control of crowds threatening the safety of the general public.

Drug detection Dogs Perform the duties of

  • Drug detection - search warrants
  • Passive drug dog operations
  • Blood detection capability
  • Human remains (cadaver) capability
  • General purpose dog teams.​​​​​​​
  • Cash & firearms
  • Electronic storage detection

The bond between a dog and his handler is something that cannot be expressed in words and both rely on each other for safety of themselves and the community.

Every week we will be adding a new dog for you to meet and fall in love with see how they are adapting to retirement.   


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